Passport Scotch new website launch.

Passport Scotch is an acclaimed brand of Scottish whisky, owned by French drinks giant Pernod Ricard. It has strong worldwide sales, particularly in Brazil, Pakistan, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, UAE and Poland.


Heavyweight were tasked with providing SEO consultancy, building the site according to supplied designs and consulting on the migration of the new website. This involved improving the content to increase visibility on the major search engines with the goal of increasing traffic. In addition to this, two Heavyweight developers built the new site, working closely with the internal development team.

A complete rebuild of their customer-facing website was undertaken, based on the ideas and suggestions from the Passport Scotch design team. This redesign meant creating a highly-optimised, innovative website, geared towards the modern whisky consumer. As well as enhancing the on-site content, numerous technical fixes were applied to improve the user experience and ensure the website has the best success in search engine rankings. 


The project was a major success, leading to a 2000%+ increase in impressions since the launch of the new website, and an equally impressive 932% growth in organic traffic to the Passport Scotch website for the 3 months following the site launch compared to the previous year. Loading times for the new site have dramatically improved and the content has been honed to appeal directly to the target market.