Our Favourite Lockdown Marketing Content

Making the adjustment to life in lockdown has been difficult for millions of people around the world as the full impact of Coronavirus takes hold. But what hasn’t changed during this time, is our ability to make each other smile and laugh, even during the most difficult and heartbreaking circumstances. 


For people and businesses alike, the best anyone can do is try to create something which might bring a little joy to everyday life.  So, here are some of our favourite examples of lockdown content.


1) Brands Taking Responsibility


The response of a number of household names in the business world has been exemplary, with NHS and key workers being offered the opportunity to get free accommodation, food & drink and other benefits, as they take on the global crisis.



Disney has started manufacturing themed facemasks for health workers who want to offer children a more friendly face when providing treatment, while the likes of Mackintosh, Ralph Lauren and Louis Vuitton are also getting in on the act.



Pret A Manger has offered NHS workers massive discounts on coffee as hotel businesses are also offering free accommodation to healthcare workers and homeless people at risk of infection. To see empathy and generosity being practiced at a corporate level is something we will never get tired of and hopefully, it will carry on well beyond lockdown.



2) Some Good News


Now, this may not quite count as ‘marketing’ but actor John Krasinski has gone out of his way to try and present some good news from around the world via his  Youtube channel.


One of the latest episodes features the astronauts aboard the International Space Station, who have heard about the show and wanted to get involved. It’s a heartwarming and captivating watch, which highlights how powerful a simple idea can become in a short period of time.



3) Nike goes home


With global sports on hold, the likes of Nike and Adidas have lost their primary sources of content and advertising. It’s also a challenge to sell products meant for outdoor use. 


However, Nike has an excellent track record in recent years when it comes to delivering campaigns that hit home and provide a clear message: Play for our world. 


As another campaign will demonstrate below, the use of user-generated content is a powerful tool, delivering an emotional connection which everyone can relate to. 


It’s a video which could probably be edited with a phone, in terms of its simplicity, but it’s a strong message which hits the right note.




4) Porsche revs down 


How do you advertise a car when it’s against the rules to drive unless it is an absolute necessity? The answer is that you don’t. 


Porsche has clearly thought about this video carefully, delivering the message to stay at home while also emphasising the passion of driving. 




5) Ikea hits it home


Once more, the power of user-generated content shines through in this Ikea attempt. It’s very similar to an Apple advert in its tone and delivery, but with people spending much more time indoors, it’s a much easier sell to make home improvements as opposed to upgrading a phone.




George Brown