Marketing in a post-lockdown world

Right now, the world is in an unprecedented situation and it’s almost impossible to know what ‘normal’ will look like in a post-lockdown world. 


However, at some point, things will slowly begin to return to how they were before the outbreak (hopefully!).


No matter which industry you operate within, now is the time to lay the foundations for a return to business.


Here are a few ideas to help you prepare your marketing for when we finally break lockdown.


1) Be careful with the tone of your messages and marketing


Being ‘tone-deaf’ is something you’ll want to avoid. 


Who could forget the Pepsi campaign which caused global derision a few years ago…This is not the kind of campaign you want to launch during a global pandemic.



Even though it may be tempting to push messages that celebrate the end of lockdown and put a positive spin on the health crisis, it’s important to remember that for thousands of people, this period has been incredibly tough. 


Try to follow the example set by some of the brands featured here.


2) Ensure your COVID-19 messaging is clear


For the coming months, consumers are going to be anxious about leaving the house and having contact with other people. 


That is why investing in physical signage as well as updating your website with the precautions you’re taking, is a wise decision. 


Highlighting your dedication to providing a safe place to shop, eat or enjoy an activity will help bring people back to your business.


3) Start using social media to announce your come-back


The use of social media has shifted for a lot of brands during lockdown as sales, discounts and meme’s have been flooding feeds all over the world. 


However, one trend that businesses in the hospitality sector are picking up on, is creating and sharing DIY kit content. The likes of Patty and Bun have released videos on Instagram, showing how to cook their meat and burgers, which can be bought before being cooked. 


If there is any way that your business can create a DIY kit, using social media to demonstrate how to put it all together will be an interesting piece of content on its own, let alone a potential money maker. 



Keep in mind that consumers are in the mind frame to do everything at home, and building, making and crafting is on the rise.


4) Resist the race to the bottom


It may be tempting to reduce the cost of all of your products and services in an attempt to bring people back to your business, but it’s likely that every single one of your competitors will be doing the same.


Instead, it would be better to try and reposition your brand to be the most attractive in a post-lockdown world. Promoting a health-conscious and socially responsible business is something people will value more than ever in a post-lockdown world.